The Introduction: What This Is

Do you love sports? Do you love to talk about sports? Do you love to read about sports? Well, me too. I have been considering creating a sports blog for several years. Partially because I want to share my opinions with the masses, but mostly, because I want a forum to communicate with other sports fans, on topics I am passionate about. The time for Big 3 Sports Blog is now.
The tagline for this blog is I want my opinion. And yours. What this means is, everyone has an opinion about sports, and often times you get the pleasure of hearing someone else’s opinion…even when you didn’t ask for it. I am hoping you are interested in hearing mine, enough to where you do ask for it. You may love or hate what I have to say, and you know what? Either is fine. My intention is to make you think…and tell me your opinion. I feel the best part about sports is the debate. It never ends.
And by the way, Big 3 is referring to Baseball, Football, & Basketball. Not because I think those are the best 3 sports (I do actually), but because those are the 3 I love. Simple as that.
In the beginning, my goal is to produce 2-3 articles a week, perhaps more if the demand is there. In the future ideally I am able to add other quality writers to the site, to give you the readers more content (and more to argue about). Time will tell. Until then, enjoy it, and tell me how I’m wrong.